[소개] 노윤경코칭부티크

Date : 2009. 4. 8. 10:46

노윤경, 노윤경코치
안녕하세요? 노윤경코칭부티크
노윤경 대표입니다.

저희는 지난 30,000 시간의 비즈니스 영어 강의/연구, 글로벌 비즈니스 현장경험, 30,000 시간의 치열한 내면성찰 및 코칭 R/D/현장코칭을 기반으로 여러분과 회사가 Global Hub가 되시도록
"Global Communication Coaching"을 제공합니다.

기업체 임직원, 전문경영인(CEO), 전문직 종사자들이 무한한 잠재력을 발휘하여 활짝 꽃 피우도록 라이프/비즈니스/이문화 소통/영어/글로벌 리더십/프레젠테이션을 돕습니다. 노윤경 전문코치와 소수정예의 각 분야 전문가들이 긴밀하게 협력합니다.


글로벌 시대의 "What am I?" 언어를 통해 그리고 언어를 뛰어넘어 나만의 전문분야에서 '한국을 빛낸, 한국이 낳은 세계적 전문가'로 활약하시기를 간절히 소망합니다.

노윤경 코치 드림
노윤경코칭부티크 대표: Global Communication Coaching
(사) 한국코치협회 평생회원/인증 심사위원
(사) 한국코치협회 인증코치(Korea Professional Coach)
룩스코칭 CEO 그룹코칭 (GLC) 공동운영자/자이언트코치

Sharon Yoon Kyung Noh,
- KPC (Korea Professional Coach), official assessor of the Credential Committee, Korea Coach Association


As the president and primary coach of Noh Yoon Kyung Coaching Boutique, Sharon Noh has been pioneering the world of Life  Coaching in Korea.

Sharon works with corporate executives, university professors and people in positions of leadership to help them find their natural essences to realize clients' pure potential, resolve all inner conflicts and spread harmony in their own lives and the lives of their peers. Sharon also helps Korean clients with English to further their growth and interests.


Since 2006, Sharon has invested tremendously in coach-specific trainings and has employed her own coaches for three years to broaden her scope of knowledge and experience.

She is fully aware of people’s authentic desires to create the life of their dream and shows genuine care and pure love for the people she meets in everyday life. People say that she is caring, open-minded, sophisticated and passionate.


As a former manager with five(5) years of experience in international business at a prominent Korean company and a trainer/facilitator in charge of global business communication, cross-culture adjustment and English training for fifteen(15) years, Many people around the world say that they are deeply impressed that Sharon is client-oriented and authentic, provides quality service and genuinely understands both Korean and Western business culture.

Sharon has been sincerely practicing meditation for her spiritual development for ten(10) years and is an avid practitioner of Yoga for the integration of her body-mind-spirit. Sharon majored in English and has an MBA. In Year 2011, Sharon is expected to publish a book on coaching focusing on the lifestyle of global 1 %.

Sharon also works with highly-qualified professional coaches/trainers of Korea and North America to meet the growing needs of the market as a global competence creator for global companies with integrity, commitment, passion, in-depth knowledge on the local coaching/training community.

- Coaching/training: global leadership, relation, cross-culture, global business communication
- Communication/coordination: for global companies and int'l/local coaching communities
- Presentation and global business etiquette