'Energy'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.07.18 [Who am I as a coach?] Pure Awareness

[Who am I as a coach?] Pure Awareness

* Who am I as a coach?

1. Pure awareness: cleanest energy, queen of intuition

2. Adapt my approach to the needs of my client & wait to be asked sincerely


* Action plans
1. PA techniques

2. Being brave: wonder of uncertainty, try something new, different, Wow life, not polite in a good way

- Plan for a week, list the activities that I will do from pure awareness

Q. What is 'pure awareness'?
A. It's what you truly are. 
Q. What does it say?
A. Be true to yourself. Say, do and live from it.

* Self – checklist rearranged

- Awareness of awareness

- Declaration

- Writing everyday for 5-8 hours

- Act as a bestseller author

- Exercise: 4 times/week(noon or 4 pm)
- WCCF, Ben and the support group
- Journal everyday for ideas
- Learning: workshop(Holos + SK + writing) + study group
- Money blueprint based on Schafer’s recommendations & action plans  
- Going to bed before 12 midnight
- Self-coaching for 10 minutes every day
- My best working hours (7 to 11pm, 6:30 to 10:30 am)
- Act as a best-seller author

- Say no: 1.     No get-together in the evening 2. Saying no to requests/invitations

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