[Message from my mentor] Awakening - 내면의 소리를 따라 나의 길을 간다...

Dear One

The only one that can bring you to enlightenment is you
, dear one. All 'paths' are but tools that can give us access.(as with coaching, actually, in many ways).

Remember how you thought coaching was THE WAY? There is no way...... only your way..... the way of your heart and soul...... And the path you take there is as unique as each snowflake that falls in winter.....unique, individual and on its own path....along with others in some ways....and in different directions than others as well.........all leading to the desired end, in our case, the enlightenment you seek.

So, neither of your teachers has THE way. They have A way, a way that might serve you for some time, and another that might serve later, or at the same time. (It doesn't have to be one, in exclusion of the other). That's my two cents.

Trackback l Comment l Category My True Self Journey l posted at 2009. 1. 8. 00:01