'Bodhisattva'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.05.27 [Message of the Day] How can I serve the world?

[Message of the Day] How can I serve the world?

How can I serve the world?

This morning, I woke up and headed for my Dahn Yoga Center for my morning session. It's my 19th day of my 21 Day Body-Mind-Spirit Project. I have decided to include 108 bows to my morning retual. Today was my first day and I did it with the true Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara mind. It was truly grateful.

Later, I got the message from within. "How can I serve the world?"

From now on, my regular morning retual goes as follows unless there are workshops or lectures. I want this way of being to be an integtal part of my life.

 6:30  to  7:30  - Yoga
 7:30  to  8:10  - Bowing
 8:10  to  9:00  - Breakfast and Blogging
 9:00  to 11:30 - Teaching, studying and/or coaching
11:30 to  13:30 - Lunch and resting
13:30 to  22:00 - Meetings and coaching sessions (Occasional outing)
22:00 to  23:00 - Reading or studying
23:00 to  24:00 - Meditation

Enjoy "Here and Now".


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