'alchemist'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.06.21 [The Alchemist] What's my Personal Legend?

[The Alchemist] What's my Personal Legend?

제가 아주 좋아하는 책입니다. 위키피디아를 검색해보니 아래와 같은 이야기가 나옵니다.

"True love allows you to fulfill your Personal Legend, and reach into the Soul of the World!"

The Personal Legend is one's reason for living; essentially, one's goal in life. Everyone in the orld has a Personal Legend; by reaching his/hers, he/she adds to the Soul of the World, or its purity.

The shepherd's Personal Legend is clear: to find his treasure at the Egyptian pyramids. The alchemist had already fulfilled his Personal Legend, which was to become a true alchemist and learn the Master Work. The crystal merchant's Personal Legend was to visit Mecca, and the Tarifa baker's Personal Legend was to travel the world, but these two characters chose not to follow their dreams.

The Personal Legend of a person surfaces early in his/her life, and one can never find true happiness without fulfilling it. The Personal Legend drove Santiago to his treasure, and the alchemist to become the most famed alchemist in the world. The Tarifa baker and the crystal merchant shape their lives for the perpetual want of fulfillment.

About the book'The Alchemist (
Portuguese: O Alquimista 연금술사) by Paulo Coelho : 1988년 처음 발간되어 56개국어로 번역이 되어 150개국 이상에서 65백만권 이상 팔린 초대형 베스트셀러입니다.

우리 각자의 Personal legend는 무엇일까요? 이제껏 나의 삶은 어떤 상징들을 보여주었는지 반추해보는 귀한 주말 되었으면 하고 소망합니다.
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