Day 2) More actions to take

Day 2)

오늘 주요목표: 글 한 꼭지 더 쓰기: “세상을 경영하다.”


I am very happy to hear this morning from my writing teacher “You did a good job on your homework. It’s very simple and clear.”


I spent almost 5 hours yesterday writing and doing my homework. I spent more hours cleaning up my room and getting myself ready in the mode. I know that it will take a lot less as time goes by. I will go for another piece today.


Things are going very well. I did 108 bows and meditation last night. I had a very decent sleep until 8 am this morning. I guess it was thanks to the new energy in my room after the clean-up. I feel so great! I also have a lot of support from other people on Facebook. It was a good decision to declare my vision and the new 100 day project.


I made a reservation for a physical in-body check-up for tomorrow. It’s been more than a year since I last did. I will see how I have been doing so far.


Cheers, Sharon!

어제 식단

아점: 현미밥, 된장찌개, 돈나물, 야채버섯전, 불고기, 치즈

간식: 요구르트, 효소, 우유 + 견과류, 오렌지 1

저녁: 현미밥, 된장찌개, 고등어구이, 물미역 초무침, 단호박찜

음료: 요구르트 1, 고칼슘저지방 우유 1, 2L,, 커피 1/2

'My True Self Journey' 카테고리의 다른 글

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