[Self-love] To live, to love and to learn

Aug. 10th

Life is wonderful! These days, I am living in this stress-free, worry-free, care-free world. Things have happened this past Sun when I played an transformation game myself. I got a lot of insight and realized how much I changed.

I do not move an inch now about who people think I am. I'm free as a bird. I live, dress, work the way I want to. People recognize me more and appreciate my service. Even that doesn't change who and what I am. I just dance with the world.

Now I know about money. I know about people who resonate with me. I know about how to win their heart. You just need to be what you are. I'm fully connected to the heart of the Universe.

Aug. 9th

I got fully refreshed and recharged over the last two weeks. I gave myself enough time to rest, pamper myself and come back to what I am. I felt so lazy and did what I felt like doing; reading books past midnight, having light on thru the night and did nothing workwise. I listened to my body and took care of it.  I needed that. I deserved that.

Now I can feel I'm recovering and getting ready again to play the next round of my Bigger Game. "How Big Are You Planning to Play?" ‘The Bigger Me’ is waiting for me. I'm in no hurry but I know I want to go there with joy, passion and love.

The Universe has prepared something speciall at every step and breath I take. I feel amazed and sometimes it even makes me cry with wonder and delight.

Aug. 7th

One of the pleasures that life gives to me is reading books while I relax at home or am on my vacation. I'm reading a couple of books this week and they are giveing so much fulfillment.

I'm greateful
to be me.
to live my dream in many aspects of life
to have wonderful peple in my life
to be so lucky
to have a big heart for the world
to have life's lessons for more growth and enrichment
to appreciate arts, people and the Universe
to know when to go slow and/or fast

Life is wonderful!

Aug. 6th
Got a great deal with a new cell phone. "Seek, and thou shall find." Happy about that. What did I do today? Coaching conversation a couple of times and some document stuff.

Aug. 5th

I hit the bottom, got so sick today with stomachache and saw a doctor. I got an I/V and got better. Taking good care of myself is the first thing on my list. I really need to go slow this month. I've been working very hard and putting myself under so many challenges.

I started to let my feelings out to others and talk about them. Sometimes, it's better to be just like others.

I had a long but meaningful conversation with Mr. Kim. I do respect him!!! He's like my father figure. He has such beautiful giant energy. I'm happy that we share many things together.

Aug. 4th

I talked with M this morning and I feel much relieved now. I realized that I was being attached to some people. I had some disappointment and it was hard to take it internally.  Yet, looking back, I gave love with my own will and expected them to appreciate it and give more love back.

Now I’m on my track again. I'm self-sufficient. I'm Love and live Love. I want to focus on myself. I don’t need to worry about anything. I believe in the law of cause/effect. Everybody including myself will take the consequences of what we are and what we do.


I ran a 7 - month marathon in life/work with a big success and grew even beyond my imagination. It’s high time to celebrate my victory, relax and rest fully. No obligation, no have-to. Of course, I want to sign up for the next game as I enjoy myself and smell roses.


- What I promise is: Two major things only daily

- Energy list for the day: transformation game, birthday party & love letter for Mom, talking to plants, watermelon, reading, drinking water 4 liters

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