[Journal] Life goes on.

Dec. 14th

I love challenges and they love me. I really like the sense of accomplishment. Oh, no, I guess I like the balance of challenges and stability. I will fly high around the world based on the strong foundation in Korea. Going global is one of my major dreams. I will go slow for a while, though as it’s winter and I will go deep inside.


As the year end is coming near, I started to close things out. I have working around the house, working on some documents and make sure I have major things in place. I will be totally different, a lot more matured and wise with insights and intuition. Winter can be cold but it also has the power to block things off so that it can focus on going deeper and deeper for warmth and life. That’s what I will do. I even put myself in a very cold weather, even risky situation. However, I know this is how I love myself. I want to reach as far as possible. I trust myself and believe in me.


My clients/partners are having a year-end party this evening. I’m looking forward to it. We will share our 10 biggest news of the year and year 2012. Let’s party!!!

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