[What am I?] Rose of Sharon in bud
Aug. 31st
It's the last day of August. I took a long vacation, taking a deep breath before a big leap.
I got my hair cut and hair treatment to pamper myself. I needed that. I feel refreshed and am ready to start a brand new month.
The business coaching at L is going so well. I'm happy with it. I love the people there. I'm so happy when I coach. As a matter of fact, I am happy all the time. I'm happy and grateful no matter what.
I have many challenges but I have something very special inside and it helps me to a great deal. The invisible hand... I have certainly passed the critical point in life and business.
Aug. 28th
It's a new day. I take this journey as pleasure every moment. i love having a conference call with T and S. I love coming up with new, creative ideas on my own. I love dreaming of a new world.
T told me that I will be recorded in the history book of the coaching community. I will make coaching fundanmental competence of Korea so that the nation will bloom, coaches are all over the world and support other countires as well. This business model will be exported to cities and countries in the world. My love for the mankind and the world will be spread all over the world.
"Humanity" is the key word in my life now. I love it. I do. I am just following the natural course of the Universe. I am a piorneer.
Aug. 27th
It hurt me so bad. I took business relationship personally and I couldn't stand "No".
They just said 'No' to my offer, not to me as a person. I'm playing a bigger game, meeting a different group of people and now need to adjust myself to different game rules. I'm a way bigger person, compared to 10 years ago, the last year and yesterday. All I need to do now is make my offer better and create more values.
I talke all the lessons with such humbleness. I'm sorry and I thank you...
The second flower bud burst into a fully-bloomed flower. It's so exciting!!!
I had many meetings. The meeting with Mr. Cha was wonderful, especially. I do like him and he also supports me greatly. Things are going really well. I am more than thankful.
Why did I take this path?
I love being a pioneer. I take an initiative and make things happen. I'm a go-getter. I have accomplshed most of the things that I had on mind so far. No regret!
I'm playing a bigger game and I will play much bigger games in the future. I love it. Challenges are the stepping stone for my growth.
I will pave a way for other coaches who want to play in the coaching community and create market. I want other coaches to have opportunities that I desired but couldn't get. I want Korea to benefit from coaching and my new project will ignite its potential and become global Korea in a true sense. When I dream, I dream of it every day. Let me be the Love.
Aug. 26th
Let me be who I am. Let me live Love I am designed to be. Let me sing the song I and the world want. I will follow the natural course of the Universe and dance with it. Please give me what I am supposed to get. I will accept them with honor.
Aug. 25th
I have been excited about the new project. At the same time, I had some fear deep inside and it troubled me for days. I could not figure out why. Today, I had a coaching session and realized that is because I am playing a bigger game, a new territory that I’ve never been to. Of course! The fear was gremlin who’s trying to help me better prepared.
The fear has also taught me I need to work only with people/organizations that resonate with me and appreciate me. I know better now. I will not be with those who don’t. Those who want to go global have the same type of energy and we resonate. It is not about English, even though they come to me for English. It is about the energy we have. English is only the reflection of who we are.
I’m grateful about this insight. This is beautiful and priceless.
Aug. 21st
- 꽃이 하루하루가 다르다. 그제만 해도 단단해보이던 꽃봉오리가 한번 꽃망울을 터드리기 시작하니 거침이 없이 활짝 피었다. 그 생명력이 경이로워서 하루에도 몇 번을 꽃에게 가보고 향기를 맡아보고 이야기를 나눈다. 두 가지를 배운다.
첫째. '자연의 법칙'! 씨앗이 있고 주변환경이 조성이 되면 내면부터 꽉 차게 되면서 자연스럽게 피어난다는 것... 우리 인생 또한 그러할진데 내면이 채워지기도 전에 자꾸 피어나려는 에고로 '앗! 뜨거워라...'하는 순간들이 많다.
둘째. 부모님의 마음이 이해가 된다. 활짝 피어난 첫째 봉오리가 신기하고 경이로워 저절로 첫째에게 시선이 간다. 아직 봉오리로 남아있는 둘째는 상대적으로 시선이 덜 간다. 그러다가 미안한 마음이 간다. 주려는 사랑이 적어서가 아닌데 자연스러운 과정이다. 하지만 한번 경험이 있었기에 더 쉽고 여유롭게 키우리라.
- 하루종일 여유로운 시간을 가졌다. 아침에는 한의원을 갔고 점심에는 좋아하는 친구와 8년 만에 다시 뵙는 반가운 인연을 함께 만났다. 맑고 향기로운 그곳에서 자연과 하나가 되었다.
이후 오후에는 갓 구어낸 커피와 함께 또 다른 인연을 만나 향기로운 대화를 나누었고 이후 광화문 광장을 처음으로 가보았다. 얘기로만 듣던 플라워카펫 주위를 걷고 아이들이 물장난치며 한없이 즐거워하는 모습을 바라보았다. 멀리 보이는 산들, 파란 하늘... 감사하고 소중하다. 우리나라, 서울의 변모된 모습이 갈수록 눈부시다. 그리고 자랑스럽다. 매순간 감사함이 솟아난다.
- 저녁에는 이시형 박사와의 티타임에 참여했다. 아침에는 한의사와의 면담을 통해 저녁에는 이박사님에게서 좋은 정보를 많이 얻었다. 덕분에 나를 더 사랑하고 건강하게 유지하게 되었다.
Today's lesson
- 한방과 양방을 적절히 잘 조화시킬 것: 병이 나도 치료약뿐만 아니라 근원적인 생활습관이나 식생활의 변화를 도모해야 훗날 재발이 없다. "평소" 건강한 라이프스타일을 유지한다면 젊은 시절에는 종합건강검진이 아닌, 보건소에서 혈액검사만 받아도 충분할 때가 많다.
- 나는 바깥활동을 해야 충만한 삶을 유지하되 지나치지 않도록 조심해야 한다. 원활한 신진대사에 집중할 것! 요가 권장!
- 매일 아침 에너지 소통을 위한 스트레칭/요가로 시작하고 반드시 근력 운동을 하고나서 유산소 운동을 하는 것이 좋다. 이 경우 10배의 효과를 낸다. 근육을 키워야 연소가 많이 되며 기초대사량이 높아지고, 이후 유산소 운동을 하면 근육 내 지방이 잘게 분해되어 제거하기 좋다.
- 사람들이 다이어트를 실패하는 큰 이유 중 하나가 아침 식사를 거르기 때문이다. 아침에 공복이 되면 당분 제로 상태가 되며 아침식사를 거르는 경우 몸을 12시간 이상을 지속시키기 위해 체온이 낮아지면 심한 경우 저대사증후군이 나타난다.
- 바나나는 다양한 당 성분을 가지고 있다. 운동 틈틈히 바나나를 먹는 것도 좋다.
- 피곤하면 젖산이 많이 쌓이고 주의집중이 안되며 잡념이 생긴다. 잡념은 좀 쉬라는 신호이다. 몸의 메세지를 경청하자.
- 마음이 평정하고 행복한 상태를 유지하면 세라토닌 상태가 되며 건강을 유지한다. 명상을 하면 세라토닌 상태가 된다. 업무 전, 학습 전 적극권장한다.
- 몸을 웅크리면 공격적이거나 오히려 반대로 의기소침해진다. 허리를 펴는 것이 중요하다.
Aug. 20th
The bud finally opened herself up this morning. I almost cried with joy when I saw that. And now it's in full bloom. I couldn't believe my eyes and had to go back to see her over and over again.
My two bigger games are big challenges. Many people who heard the news said different things like "OK!", "I'm happy to hear that." or "Great! Go for it, girl!" They didn't do much, though. Of course, it is my job and responsibility.
I told two people who I care about me about my new CSR project. Both told about what's really going on in reality and said, "It's gonna be almost impossible for now. You will face lots of challenges. Wait for the better timing in the future."
At first, I was disappointed at the news. Then, I had the chance to look deeply into my belief at the CEO group coaching. I have accepted what they said as their love. They said that because they care about me. It was like how I talked to my mentees. I believe in their potential but there are always things to consider. I will do the SWOT anaysis and make a desision using my inner wisdom.
I finally met the professior and he showed me lots of interest. I also got a positive picture. I have decided to go for it at last. I'm going to create something remarkable.
Boy, I have changed a lot. I would have just started it right way ignoring what people said if I had been me years ago. I love this balance.
Aug. 19th
I am back on the track again. I was extremely busy and out of my bio rhythm last month. I now focus on self-care and revitalization. I am about to take a big leap forward and I’m preparing for two bigger games: marriage and CSR project. I know I am emerging as a lovely bride and CEO.
Every morning, I talk to plants, orchids and a tree in my office. It’s one of my morning rituals. I love it! They’re growing very well. They give a lot of love back to me. They are coaches since they bring out the best in me; smile, happiness and love.
내 사무실의 꽃봉오리
Flowers don’t move. They naturally attract bees and butterflies with their beautiful smell.
I am creating a wonderful coaching business system soon and I can put my energy on my future family.
'My True Self Journey' 카테고리의 다른 글
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