[Profile] Who is Sharon?

사용자 삽입 이미지

Sharon Yoon Kyung Noh

- KPC (Korea Professional Coach, Seoul, Korea)

- Member of the Credentialing Committee of the Korea Coach Association
- Member of the Int'l Coach Federation

Are you looking for a reliable local busienss partner who understands both Western and Korean culture and perspective, is highly client- oriented, provides quality service and can work as a communicator/coordinator for you on training/coaching projects in Korea?

Are you looking for a world class, bilingual coach/trainer for your global clients especially Korean Executives?

As the president and primary coach of Noh Yoon Kyung Coaching Boutique, Sharon Noh has been very active in the world of Coaching in Korea.


Sharon has been working with corporate executives, university professors and people in positions of leadership for global leadership and communication.

The coaching philosophy for Sharon is “living your life in excellence, enrichment and legacy”. Sharon also helps Korean clients with English to further their growth and business interests.


Sharon is an active member/speaker and a member of the Credentialing Committee of Korea Coach Association (KCA), and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Sharon also works with professional coaches of Korea and around the world to meet the growing needs of the market.

Since 2006, Sharon has invested tremendously in coach-specific training (about 300 hours) and other trainins/workshops and has employed her own coaches for the last two years to broaden her scope of knowledge and experience.

Sharon is also fully aware of people’s authentic desires to create the life of their dream and shows genuine care and pure love for the people she meets in everyday life. People say that she is caring, open-minded, sophisticated and passionate.


As a former manager with five(5) years of experience in international business at a prominent Korean company and a trainer/facilitator in charge of global business communication, cross-culture adjustment and English training for fifteen(13) years, Sharon understands both Korean and Western business culture.

Sharon has been sincerely practicing meditation for her spiritual development for eight(8) years and is an avid practitioner of Yoga to maintain her physical, emotional and spiritual health.


Sharon majored in English and has an MBA. This year (2008), Sharon is expected to publish a book on coaching.

Trackback l Comment l Category My True Self Journey l posted at 2008. 4. 1. 23:57

Welcome message from Sharon!

사용자 삽입 이미지
Welcome aboard!

Thank you for visiting my blog here.


My name is Yoon-kyung Noh but please call me Sharon. Sharon comes from Rose of Sharon, the national flower of Korea. My friends call me "flower of Korea". Half a joke, half serious!!  :-)

I’d like to give you some background information about me.

Who I am: I live and work in Gangnam, a southern part of Seoul. I was born and grew up in Seoul except a couple of years when I lived abroad to study and travel.


My friends say that I’m caring, passionate, friendly, reliable and open-minded. There are five members in my family; my dear parents, an older sister(She’s married with three adorable kids.), one younger brother(He’s working with me.) and myself.


What I do: I’m a Pure Awareness Coach for your fulfilling life, business and English and help you awaken the giant within to be the miracle yourself.


I started my own coaching firm, Noh Yoon-kyung Coaching Boutique(NCB) in Seoul, Korea in 2004. I work with local and int'l coaches/trainers as a communicator/coordinator for local projects for global companies. We at NCB work with corporate CEOs/executives, university professors and professionals for global business communication trainings and coaching projects.


My work is my life, joy, excitement and play. I love what I do. I’m so grateful.


What I love: I love coaching, English, traveling and meditation. I enjoy dancing(especially waltz and tango), listening to music, meeting new people, being alone and reading books. I really appreciate the fact that I’m physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually awake.


My dreams: I will create and enrich the life of my dreams. I am highly committed to coaching and want to become "the Masterful Coach of Korea".  

I also want to make friends with people from all over the world. I invite you to the wonderful journey of life as friends and/or business partners.

What you can expect here:
  - Information on coaching and Korea
  - enriching tips for your life in Korea
  - Questions answered carefully and kindly (Please email me.)

My contact info
.: coach@englishandbeyond.co.kr 
#605 Hyundai Rexion, 1338-20, Seoch-2-dong, Seoch-gu, Seoul, Korea   zip: 137-070 

Thank you again. Come visit us for fun, exictement and joy!!!

Flower of Korea

Trackback l Comment l Category My True Self Journey l posted at 2008. 1. 15. 09:17